TRD – Medallion Conversion Kits -FAQ

Why Should I Buy the TRD Conversion Kit? The Medallion MDC-1600 analog to digital instrumentation system is a very good system. (TRD helped design the Gen 1 Medallion system first sold to American Skier Boats in 1997) There are a couple of “weak links” in the system that can lead to premature failure and these systems are reaching the age (15+ years old) that normal wear is also causing failures. The gauges themselves are also starting to fail with aging stepper motors inside. The components to repair and replace MDC’s and or individual gauges used to be affordable and readily available. Now  these components are considered  obsolete and the costs have sky-rocketed, and the availability has decreased, and there is limited or NO warranty on replacement parts. A bad MDC and a bad Tach, or speedometer could easily cost $1200-1500 in parts alone plus installation, plus initial diagnosis shop time! The TRD Conversion kits typically cost about  HALF of the typical repair/replacement cost! AND you will be improving your dash to a GPS Speedometer (s) like the new very $$$ boats. So here are the reasons why the TRD Kits are better than repairing/replacing my existing MDC-1600 system:

   Save Money,  Improve Speedometer Performance,  New Instrument Warranty      

Does the TRD Conversion Kit Replace my MDC-1600?  YES, if your MDC-1600 has failed, now is the time to “ditch” the Expensive MDC, the TRD Custom Harness ELIMINATES the MDC altogether.

Can I Install the TRD Kit myself?  In most cases yes, if you are comfortable doing basic repair and maintenance on your boat, AND have basic hand tools and the ability to use them. The TRD kits are pre-engineered to fit your boat, each kit comes with detailed instructions with pictures. 

Can My Dealer or Service Shop Install the Kit?  Yes, we have a dealer buying program for qualified dealers and independent Service Shops. 

Where Can I Buy the TRD Conversion Kit?  Online, they are available at 

I don’t see a TRD Kit for my boat listed? We have several boat models engineered already and more coming aboard as fast as we can. If you don’t see you boat listed please call and we will begin engineering a kit for you!

What Gauges are Included? The TRD Kits come with  TRD instruments, we have used  Faria gauges in the past, but Quality Control issues forced us to design our own!  In 2021 we introduced the TRD gauges with several customer requested changes over the Faria gauges. The TRD Gauges have multi-pin wire plugs, LED back-lighting in Red or Amber, and mount with a simple threaded collar. The TRD Gauges include  glass dooms that do not haze like the plastic dooms  are known for.  The TRD  gauges have polished stainless steel trim rings.

How is the TRD Custom Wire Harness Made? Because their are so many variations of harness’s used in boats, each harness is custom made to order. The TRD harness will exceed most boat builders already high standards. All harness’s begin with Marine Grade Tinned wire for maximum corrosion resistance, connections are all heat shrink sealed, and terminals used are “double crimped” style connectors. TRD also uses OEM quality  multi-pin connectors, the same that is in your boat already. All harness’s are then wrapped in wire loom for protection, and include ATC fuses for circuit/gauge protection.

Will the GPS Speedometers need external antennas? NO, our TRD GPS Speedometers have built in internal antennas.

My boat has the newer MMDC controller, do you have kits for this?    We have all the Generation 1 & 2 (MDC-1600) controller equipped boats engineered and have kits designed for them. In 2002 Some MasterCraft and Malibu models began using the Gen. 3 controller called the MMDC. They can be identified by a 24 pin and 10 pin wire connector and use a paddle wheel for speed sensing (not a pitot tube that drags in the water) Other brand ski boats continued to use the Gen 2 MDC-1600’s. We have started designing kits for the gen. 3 systems, many will require additional parts such as temp. senders and or oil pressure senders. We suggest calling for up to date availability and kit matching for your boat.


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